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Baldy Release Organisation

Figure 1: Baldy Release Organisation

Baldy Release Contents ---------------------- - `Overview <#overview>`__ - `RM (v3.0) <#rm>`__ - `RA-1 (v2.0) <#ra1>`__ - `RC-1 (v2.0) <#rc1>`__ - `RI-1 (v3.0-alpha) <#ri1>`__ - `RA-2 (v3.0) <#ra2>`__ - `RI-2 (draft) <#ri2>`__ - `RC-2 (draft) <#rc2>`__ Overview -------- ================ ================================= ===== Reference # Feature Notes ================ ================================= ===== ``baldy.tech.1`` VNF Evolution policy and strategy ``baldy.tech.2`` Backward/Forward Compatibility ``baldy.tech.3`` Future Roadmap ================ ================================= ===== .. _reference-model-v30: Reference Model (v3.0) ---------------------- WSL Note: Features below should be implemented in order. +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | Reference # | Feature | Notes | +=================+========================+========================+ | ``baldy.rm.1`` | General Cleanup | All Chapters | +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | ``baldy.rm.2`` | Limiting | Ch02, Ch04, and Ch05 | | | infrastructure | | | | profiles to Basic and | | | | Network Intensive | | | | (Parking Compute | | | | intensive) | | +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | ``baldy.rm.3`` | Finalising Compliance, | Ch08 | | | Verification and | | | | Conformance Strategy | | +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | ``baldy.rm.4*`` | Full Container support | Ch04 | +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | ``baldy.rm.5`` | Complete Security | Ch07: 100% alignment | | | Chapter | with ONAP | +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | ``baldy.rm.6`` | Virtual Networking/ | Ch03 | | | Networking Fabric | | | | Modelling | | +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | ``baldy.rm.7`` | Generic Installer | Ch09 | | | Model | | +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | ``baldy.rm.8`` | Guidelines | Appnedix-A | +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+ \*Baldy Release includes at least features up to and including ``baldy.rm.4``. .. _reference-architecture-1-v20: Reference Architecture 1 (v2.0) ------------------------------- WSL Note: Features below should be implemented in order. +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | Reference # | Feature | Notes | +==================+==================================+==============+ | ``baldy.ra1.1`` | General Cleanup | All Chapters | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra1.2`` | Clarify OpenStack version policy | Ch01, Ch05 | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra1.3`` | Incorporate RM Requirements in | Ch02 | | | RA-1 Requirements | | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra1.4`` | Create a proposal for an exiting | Ch08 | | | Gap | | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra1.5`` | Complete High Level Architecture | Ch03 | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra1.6*`` | Complete Interfaces & APIs | Ch05 | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra1.7`` | Complete Components Level | Ch04 | | | Architecture | | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra1.8`` | Complete Security Chapter | Ch06 | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra1.9`` | Complete LCM Chapter | Ch07 | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ \*Baldy Release includes at least features up to and including ``baldy.ra1.6``. .. _reference-conformance-1-v20: Reference Conformance 1 (v2.0) ------------------------------ .. raw:: html


Figure 2: RC-1 Baldy Release plan

.. WSL Note: Features below should be implemented in order. +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | Reference # | Feature | Notes | +=================+===================================+==============+ | ``baldy.rc1.1`` | General Cleanup | All Chapters | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.rc1.2`` | Clarify Conformance Categories | Ch01 | | | (NFVI & VNFs) | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.rc1.3`` | Complete NFVI Framework | Ch02 | | | Requirements | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.rc1.4`` | Categorise NFVI TC Req and Write | Ch03 | | | API Testing TC | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.rc1.5`` | Create NFVI Mapping & | Ch05 | | | Traceability Matrix and populate | | | | it | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.rc1.6`` | Restructure NFVI Cookbook and | Ch04 | | | Cleanup | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.rc1.7`` | NFVI Framework & Test Cases | **DEV** | | | Development | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.rc1.8`` | RC-1 test suites can run against | **DEV** | | | RI-1 | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ .. _reference-implementation-1-v30-alpha: Reference Implementation 1 (v3.0-alpha) --------------------------------------- .. raw:: html


Figure 1: RI-1 Baldy Release plan

.. WSL Note: Features below should be implemented in order. +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | Reference # | Feature | Notes | +=================+===================================+==============+ | ``baldy.ri1.1`` | General Cleanups | All Chapters | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ri1.2`` | Complete Overall Requirements | Ch02 | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ri1.3`` | Complete Lab Requirements | Ch04 | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ri1.4`` | Complete Target State & Metadata | Ch03 | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ri1.5`` | Complete Installer Requirements | Ch05 | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ri1.6`` | Complete Lab Cookbook (Ops) | Ch06 | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ri1.6`` | Restructure & Complete | Ch07 | | | Integration Cookbook | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ri1.7`` | Implement Profiles within OPNFV | **DEV** | | | Installers and consume CNTT | | | | metadata | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ri1.8`` | RI-1 passes the RC-1 test suite | **DEV** | | | execution (For sanity and APIs) | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+ .. _reference-architecture-2-v30: Reference Architecture 2 (v3.0) ------------------------------- WSL Note: Features below should be implemented in order. For Baldy, At least +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | Reference # | Feature | Notes | +==================+==================================+==============+ | ``baldy.ra2.1`` | General Cleanup | All Chapters | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra2.2`` | Complete Requirements & Map to | Ch02 | | | RM | | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra2.3`` | Finish High Level Architecture | Ch03 | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra2.4*`` | Propose solution to an existing | Ch08 | | | gap | | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra2.5`` | More Details about Component | Ch04 | | | Level Architecture | | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra2.6`` | More Details about Interfaces & | Ch05 | | | APIs | | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra2.7`` | More Details about Security | Ch06 | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra2.8`` | More Details about LCM | Ch07 | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra2.9`` | More Details and proposals about | Ch08 | | | Gaps | | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ | ``baldy.ra2.10`` | Guidelines | Appendix-A | +------------------+----------------------------------+--------------+ \*Baldy Release includes at least features up to and including ``baldy.ra2.4``.