`<< Back <../../openstack>`__ .. _8-gaps-innovation-and-development: 8. Gaps, Innovation, and Development ==================================== .. raw:: html

Dickering over the final points

Table of Contents ----------------- - `8.1 Introduction <#8.1>`__ - `8.2 The Gaps <#8.2>`__ - `8.2.1 Autoscaling <#8.2.1>`__ - `8.3 OpenStack Release Gaps <#8.3>`__ .. _81-introduction: 8.1 Introduction ---------------- The purpose of this chapter is to identify the gaps between what is required for automated deployment of VNFs on Cloud Infrastructure frameworks and the framework offered by OpenStack. Once gaps are identified, the next step will be to propose a plan to address these gaps. The most obvious way to address the gaps will be to propose a set of APIs in the upstream OpenStack community .. _82-the-gap: 8.2 The Gap ----------- .. _821-autoscaling: 8.2.1 Autoscaling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With regards to resource autoscaling (req.gen.scl.01) it is recommended that the NFVO/VNFM manages the policy and triggers a scale-up or scale-down action based on application telemetry, event, AI, or ML etc. While the use of telemetry and alarming system can trigger a scaling operation based on resource utilisation, without application context this may not provide the granularity or reaction time required by the application. It is therefore suggested that an OpenStack scaling operation is called using an appropriate autoscaling web-hook by the NFVO/VNFM. For more information on auto-scaling with Heat please see: `https://docs.openstack.org/senlin/latest/scenarios/autoscaling_heat.html `__. Please note that the OpenStack Senlin service is still under development with major architectural changes made in the OpenStack Ussuri release. It might be possible for the next version of this RA to recommend Senlin for auto-scaling. Please note: physical compute node autoscaling is out of scope. .. _83-openstack-release-gaps: 8.3 OpenStack Release Gaps -------------------------- Section contains the API versions and key differences between the chosen Anuket baseline version (Train), the current version for RI (Ocata) and the potential future version for RI (Stein). The table below gives only an overview of the differences. For detailed changes, please check the `OpenStack releases `__ document. +---------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Service Name | OpenStack | OpenStack | OpenStack | | | (Ocata) (RI | (Train) | (Stein) | | | version) | (Anuket | (potential | | | | baseline) | future RI | | | | | version) | +===============+================+================+================+ | Keystone | 3.8 | 3.13- Support | 3.12- Support | | | | for delegating | for project | | | | fine-grained | tags, | | | | privileges.- | application | | | | Supports the | credential, | | | | admin, member, | domain level | | | | and reader | resource | | | | default roles | limits, JSON | | | | across | Web Tokens. - | | | | system-scope, | Introduced | | | | domain-scope, | system scoped | | | | and | roles - | | | | p | Introduced new | | | | roject-scope.- | role 'reader' | | | | Different role | along with | | | | API uses new | 'member' and | | | | default | 'admin' | | | | policies that | | | | | make it more | | | | | accessible to | | | | | end users and | | | | | administrators | | | | | in a secure | | | | | way. | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Glance | 2.5 | 2.9- Support | 2.7- Version | | | | for compressed | v1 is removed- | | | | container | Support for | | | | formats.- | hidden images, | | | | Block Storage | interoperable | | | | service always | image import | | | | creates a new | using image | | | | secret in | data | | | | Barbican when | ( | | | | it uploads a | glance-direct) | | | | volume as an | or image | | | | image. | URL( | | | | | web-download), | | | | | - Fixed | | | | | OpenStack | | | | | Security Note | | | | | `OSSN-007 | | | | | 5 `__\ - | | | | | Multi backend | | | | | support to | | | | | configure | | | | | multiple | | | | | stores | +---------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Cinder | 3.27 | 3.59 | 3.59- Support | | | | | for multi | | | | | attach and | | | | | deferred | | | | | deletion for | | | | | RBD driver- | | | | | Support for | | | | | image | | | | | signature | | | | | verification | | | | | when creating | | | | | volume from | | | | | image | +---------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Nova | 2.42 | 2.79- Support | 2.72- Support | | | | for servers | for vGPUs- | | | | with a NUMA | Support for | | | | topology, | volume type in | | | | pinned CPUs | server create | | | | and/or huge | API- Support | | | | pages, and | to create | | | | SR-IOV ports | servers with | | | | attached when | ports that | | | | using the | have QoS | | | | libvirt | minimum | | | | compute | bandwidth | | | | driver.- | rule- Security | | | | Support for | enhancements | | | | hardware-based | when using | | | | encryption of | Glance signed | | | | guest memory | images | | | | to protect | | | | | users against | | | | | attackers or | | | | | rogue | | | | | administrators | | | | | snooping on | | | | | their | | | | | workloads. | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Swift | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | +---------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Neutron | 2.0 | 2.0- Support | 2.0 | | | | for Smart NIC | | | | | in ML2/OVS | | | | | mechanism | | | | | driver to bind | | | | | the Neutron | | | | | port for the | | | | | baremetal host | | | | | with Smart | | | | | NIC.- | | | | | Introduced | | | | | support for a | | | | | notifier that | | | | | sends | | | | | notifications | | | | | on relevant | | | | | resource | | | | | events/changes | | | | | to the | | | | | Openstack | | | | | Baremetal | | | | | service | | | | | (ironic). | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Orchestration | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | +---------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Placement | | 1.36 | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ Additionally, Stein release also provides an upgrade check before actually upgrading any of the services. See more details on `upgrade-check `__.