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4. Nomination and Selection


Table of Contents

4.1 Introduction

The CNTT is structured into Workstreams so it can scale and accommodate participation from the wider community. The CNTT is open to participation by any individual or organization that agrees to comply with its Term of Reference ( ToR ) (each such participant, a “Participant”). Each of the Workstreams within CNTT has one Lead and up to two Co-Leads. Leads and Co-Leads for each Workstream are selected by the community itself through a nomination and voting process. This document explains the CNTT policies and process regarding nomination and selection.

4.2 Workstreams Lead/Co-Lead Nomination and Selection

For each Workstream, following leadership positions exist:

  • Lead.

  • Up to two Co-leads.

4.2.1 Length of Terms

The length of term for all CNTT leadership roles is 12 calendar months. It will start typically in February each year and end around the same time the year after. The exact dates and timing might vary to accommodate CNTT releases and workshops.

4.2.2 Representation

Any Workstream Leads or Co-Leads positions can be held by any Participant.

4.2.3 Nomination

  • Any individual can nominate themselves or another participant for a given lead/co-lead position (the nominee must accept nomination if was nominate by someone else) as long as they agree to CNTT ToR.

  • An individual can nominate themselves or another participant to one or more positions.

4.2.4 Selection

The process of nomination and selection is owned and managed by CNTT with help from LFN staff.

There will be a nomination window (typically around February each year) during which individuals can nominate others or nominate themselves for a position. The exact start and end date of the nomination window will be determined by Technical or Governance Committee Leads(depending on the nature of the Workstream).

During the nomination period, Participants can send their nominations to a designated individual who will help in administering the process (from CNTT Governance team or LFN Staff). The details and email addresses of that individual will be confirmed at the begining of the process.

Once the nomination period ends, the selection process for the new leads and co-leads for a given workstream is as follows:

  • The selection process for Lead positions and Co-Lead positions will occur separately.

  • No voting is required if the number of nominations received for a particular position is less than or equal to the number of available vacancies.

  • An online voting process will take place to select candidate(s) from the nominee list for each position.

    • The exact tool used for voting will be determined by the LFN Staff and depends on the approved tool at time of voting.

  • Only Voting representatives can vote (from the up to date voting representative list).

  • The candidate(s) who receives the highest number of votes win.

4.2.5 Interim Leads/Co-Leads

  • In the case when a Lead steps down, an interim person (preferably from the existing Co-leads) will be assigned by the Technical Steering/Governance Committee to take over the duties until next election.

  • In the case when a Co-Lead steps down, an interim person will be assigned by Technical Steering/Governance Committee to take over the duties until next election.

  • For new Work Streams, new Lead/Co-Leads will be assigned by Technical Steering/Governance to be interim until next election period.

4.3 Technical Steering Committee Lead/Co-Lead Nomination and Selection

The same terms, process of nomination and selection described in 4.2 apply to technical steering committee leads and co-leads positions.

Additionally, The following also applies:

  • When the nomination and selection process is due, all Technical Workstream nomination and selection processes have to conclude before the Technical Steering Committee nomination and selection process starts.

  • Nomination and selection process for TSC should be facilitated by the existing Technical steering committee leads.

4.4 Governance Committee Lead/Co-Lead Nomination and Selection

The same terms, process of nomination and selection described in 4.2 must be applied to the Governance Committee leads and co-leads positions.

Additionally, the following points also apply:

  • When the nomination and selection process is due, all Technical Workstream, Governance Workstreams, and Technical Steering Committee nomination and selection process need to have been concluded before Governance committee nomination and selection process starts.

  • nomination and selection process for Governance Committee should be facilitated by the sitting Governance Committee Leads.

4.5 Membership and voting rights

Please refer to Voting Representatives

4.6 Committee Structure

Please refer to Org Structure .

4.7 Limits and Caps

  • There are no limit or caps for how many positions a given individual or an organisation can hold.