
GitHub Configuration Best Practices


GitHub is a collaborative source code management platform that plays a critical role in modern software development, providing a central repository for storing, managing, and versioning source code as well as collaborating with a community of developers. However, it also represent a potential security risk if not properly configured. In this guide, we will explore the best practices for securing GitHub, covering topics that include user authentication, access control, permissions, monitoring, logging, and integrating security tools.


This guide has been written for the:


Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment

  1. Workflows Should Not Be Allowed To Approve Pull Requests
  2. GitHub Actions Should Be Restricted To Selected Repositories
  3. GitHub Actions Should Be Limited To Verified or Explicitly Trusted Actions
  4. Default Workflow Token Permission Should Be Read Only
  5. Runner Group Should Be Limited to Private Repositories
  6. Runner Group Should Be Limited to Selected Repositories


  1. Two-Factor Authentication Should Be Enforced For The Enterprise
  2. Enterprise Should Not Allow Members To Change Repository Visibility
  3. Enterprise Should Not Allow Members To Create public Repositories
  4. Enterprise Should Not Allow Members To Invite Outside Collaborators
  5. Enterprise Should Use Single-Sign-On
  6. Enterprise Should Not Allow Members To Fork Internal And Private Repositories

Members, Access Control and Permissions

  1. Organization Should Have Fewer Than Three Owners
  2. Organization Admins Should Have Activity In The Last 6 Months
  3. Organization Members Should Have Activity In The Last 6 Months

Organizational Management

  1. Two-Factor Authentication Should Be Enforced For The Organization
  2. Default Member Permissions Should Be Restricted
  3. Only Admins Should Be Able To Create Public Repositories
  4. Organization Should Use Single-Sign-On
  5. Webhooks Should Be Configured To Use SSL
  6. Webhooks Should Be Configured With A Secret


  1. Repository Should Be Updated At Least Quarterly
  2. Workflows Should Not Be Allowed To Approve Pull Requests
  3. Default Branch Should Require Code Review
  4. Default Branch Should Require Linear History
  5. Default Workflow Token Permission Should Be Set To Read Only
  6. OSSF Scorecard Score Should Be Above 7
  7. Default Branch Should Require Code Review By At Least Two Reviewers
  8. Default Branch Should Require All Checks To Pass Before Merge
  9. Default Branch Should Require Branches To Be Up To Date Before Merge
  10. Default Branch Should Not Allow Force Pushes
  11. Default Branch Should Be Protected
  12. Default Branch Deletion Protection Should Be Enabled
  13. GitHub Advanced Security – Dependency Review Should Be Enabled For A Repository
  14. Vulnerability Alerts Should Be Enabled
  15. Forking Should Not Be Allowed for This Repository
  16. Default Branch Should Require All Conversations To Be Resolved Before Merge
  17. Webhooks Should Be Configured With A Secret
  18. Default Branch Should Require All Commits To Be Signed
  19. Default Branch Should Require New Code Changes After Approval To Be Re-Approved
  20. Default Branch Should Restrict Who Can Push To It
  21. Repository Should Have Fewer Than Three Admins
  22. Default Branch Should Limit Code Review to Code-Owners
  23. Default Branch Should Restrict Who Can Dismiss Reviews
  24. Webhooks Should Be Configured To Use SSL


General Recommendations

Specific Recommendations